The research interests of the Mills group are wide and varied including: dye and semiconductor photochemistry, redox catalysis (in particular, oxygen catalysis), solar energy conversion (in particular artificial photosynthesis) and colour and fluorescence based indicators and smart inks and plastic films.

Farewell Ri Han!


Wishing Dr. Ri Han all the best as he continues his research in 3D printing in Singapore! You will be missed 🙂

Front Cover – ChemComm

The paper ‘Kinetics of the Photocatalysed Reduction of Oxygen by CdS Probed using Photoinduced Absorption Spectroscopy (PIAS)’ has been selected to feature as the front inside cover article for ChemComm Volume 57 2021. For more info please visit:!divAbstract

Graduation day!

Congratulation to Dr. Dilidaer Yusufu and Dr. Han Ri for completing their PhD, and Wang ChengYing for graduating from her Mphil!