The research interests of the Mills group are wide and varied including: dye and semiconductor photochemistry, redox catalysis (in particular, oxygen catalysis), solar energy conversion (in particular artificial photosynthesis) and colour and fluorescence based indicators and smart inks and plastic films.

Sensor Medical Technology, Seattle

Professor Mills and Dr Lawrie recently traveled to Seattle to engage with a company, Sensor Medical Technology.  We met with members of the company, academia and patent lawyers in order to kick-start a new collaborative project to develop indicators for medical devices.

Europt(r)ode XII – Conference on Optical Sensors & Biosensors, Athens

With the aid of travel funding awarded by the RSC, Dr Katherine Lawrie attended the world’s leading conference on optical sensors to present a poster on her work entitled  ‘UV dosimetry for solar water disinfection (SODIS)’. The conference itself attracted 220 participants from 37 countries, bringing together engineers and scientists to discuss the recent progress and future trends in the design, fabrication, and application of optical sensing devices.